Reducing job stress is an important part of workplace wellness. Increasing workload, people-related issues, balancing work and life, and absence of job security are some of the causes of workplace stress. Job-related stress is the major contributor of stress for at least eight in ten U.S employees. In a Paychex survey of more than two thousand U.S employees, more than 60% of employees said they felt stressed at work for more than three days in a workweek. The levels of income, designation and the kind of work have a direct impact on stress levels as discovered in this survey. While middle-level managers and business owners experienced maximum stress, temporary employees and senior managers were the least stressed.

Reducing Job Stress

Stress is a silent killer resulting in both psychological and physical symptoms and the cost of managing the health consequences of stress is up to $300 billion annually. While some factors such as the work environment or workload are out of an employee’s control, there are some tips that can help manage stress in a positive and productive way.

Organize and prioritize:

Sixty-five percent of employees blame the workload for their stress levels. While discussing unmanageable workload with the manager or supervisor could help, reviewing your workload objectively is a great first step. Review your own approach to work and understand what aspects of work are stress triggers. If you need to learn a new skill or install new software that can speed up tasks, discuss the same with your manager. Organize and prioritize the most important projects or tasks when your energy and concentration levels are high. Reassign those tasks that need not be done by yourself to other coworkers. Take regular breaks, stretch, and walk around to refresh your mind and body.

A healthy lifestyle is important:

Workplace wellness can be boosted by eating right. Start the day with a protein-rich breakfast and avoid excess caffeine and sugary foods that can result in energy slumps. Omega-3 fats found in fish and nuts are known to boost memory, concentration while improving mood. Ensure your meal also includes fresh fruits and vegetables that pack in vitamins and minerals. Exercise boosts your mood and is also important for cardiac and overall fitness. Take up a regular exercise program, go for regular walks, and take the stairs whenever you can. Sleep is as important as eating healthy and exercising. Ensure you get at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep every night.

Positive relationships help:

Make efforts to form positive relationships both at work and in personal life. Having someone to talk to in difficult times can reduce stress levels and boost workplace wellness. Joining a club or an association can help form new friendships that can expand your network.

Kick bad habits:

As important as it is to get rid of unhealthy habits including smoking or alcohol dependency, overcoming habits of excessive worrying, procrastination, and obsession with perfection are also critical to reducing stress levels. Get professional help if needed to achieve a balance of positive thoughts. Being proactive instead of reactive can help manage stress levels in a productive way.

Follow these tips for reducing job stress and have a great day at work!