Being organized at work is the key to success. According to a survey in which 800 employees took part, disorganization at a workplace, in terms of searching for missing items, costs $89 billion per year. The cost reaches $177 billion when the disorganization extends to looking for missing files on the computer! In this survey, 87 percent of the employees admitted their productivity was affected by their cluttered work space.

 Another study found companies like Apple, Google, Netflix, and Dell have a productivity that is 40 percent more than others because they are well-organized. These companies also have 50 percent higher profit margins thanks to their improved productivity.

Here are five tips to enhance productivity by staying organized at work:


Have a schedule

While many believe success at work is synonymous with multi-tasking and trying to get everything done at once, this approach can lead to chaos. Organization begins with creating a schedule for each task based on the priorities. Creating a timeframe for completing each task and drafting a “to-do” list for each day can eliminate stress while helping boost productivity.

Clean your space

A messy desk, overflowing cabinets and piled up trash can be anything but inspiring. Success at work begins with cleanliness! Initiate a cleanliness drive across the office or focus on cleaning up your space. Wipe the desk, chair and cubicle walls using a cleaning agent, spray fabric or room refreshers on the walls of the cubicle. Make a regular cleaning schedule and devote at least an hour each week for cleaning and decluttering. Spend ten to fifteen minutes at the end of the day to reorganize and clean the desk every day.

Get rid of clutter

Piles of paperwork, old files and stationary can clutter up the desk or office space leaving little room for an organized way of working. Keep the trash can and the recycle bin next to your desk and toss items as soon as they become redundant. Successful supervisors implement a paper-less policy at work to eliminate piling up of unnecessary paperwork. Use scanners to store necessary files, bills, tax receipts and other documents instead of filing them. Clutter can also relate to the way you organize your files and documents on your computer. Create folders on your PC and clear the clutter from the desktop as well.

Organize your files

There are always some documents that need to be stored as hard copies. Create a filing system with folders that can be arranged alphabetically or by subject. The folders should contain the subject, and the date arranged neatly in the designated space. Make it a habit to file each incoming paper in the relevant folder as soon as the necessary action has been taken.

Arrange the supplies

Ensure whatever supplies you need are available easily without your having to hunt around every time wasting precious productive time. Designate a drawer or space on the desk for office supplies including stationery, printer and scanner, phone and so on.

Use these tips to stay organized at work and have a productive day!